Colours – Set C
18 simple flashcards to teach basic and more advanced colo(u)r words.
Like the flashcards in Colours – Set A, this set of images shows only a simple shape and a single colour: no nouns, no objects, just the target colour presented in a dot shape. However, the colour words in this flashcard set go a little beyond the commonly taught vocabulary of Set A.
If you do want to stick to basic words you’ll find them together on page one of the small set:
- red, yellow, blue (primary colours)
- orange, green, purple (secondary colours)
- black, white and brown (to talk about tints, shades, and… earth?)
Page two offers more ambitious colour vocabulary, including some tertiary colours and tints:
- pink, lime, sky blue
- amber, teal, indigo
- grey, peach and tan
Although the words light and dark are not printed in the word cards or labels, you could teach “light blue”, “light brown” and “dark purple”, instead of sky blue, tan, and indigo. You could also go with “yellow green” instead of lime, “yellow orange” instead of amber, and “blue green” instead of teal, if those were the words in your childhood Crayola crayon set 🙂
One more thing: these 18 colours match up exactly with the Shapes flashcards.
Regional Spellings
Like Set A, Colours – Set B and a few other sets on this site, you can choose to download the word cards and images with labels for Colours Set C in either American English or British English spelling variations.
- The American English word cards have two spelling variations: color, gray.
- The British English option features the preferred spellings grey and colour.
- Both gray and grey are acceptable spellings in Canada, but color is not.

1 Page

Images only, Large, American English
18 Pages

Words only, Large, American English
18 Pages

1 Page

Images only, Large, British English
18 Pages

Words only, Large, British English
18 Pages
Colours - Set C Word List
- amber
- black
- blue
- brown
- green
- grey/gray
- indigo
- lime
- orange
- peach
- pink
- purple
- red
- sky blue
- tan
- teal
- white
- yellow
Fanny –
Nice cards.
Becky –
great cards
Birgitte –
yory –
singer –
jonalyn –
stasha –
Sarah Dumuid –
Thank you so much!! These cards are perfect for picture to text activities with my adult ESL learners who have very low literacy skills
dad –
Hilda –
Nice looking cards
Maria –
Great learning tool
Peter –
They are awesome!
Olga –
Very helpful. Thanks.
Heather –
These are just what I need!
Lorraine –
I’m teaching in Bangladesh in November, so I need these cards.
Amazing cards
Shanya –
AMZAZING RESOURCE! Great cards. Use in classroom
Julius –
jsut what I need
lynne –
Amazing cards
Rose Kennedy –
This is my go-to website for flashcards!
Elrise Benson –
Amazing, helpful, beautiful. thanx
Kelly –
Lydia –
Amazing, helpful, beautiful. thanx