26 pears pairs of words which sound the same but have different spellings.
This set of flashcards has 52 words total, each word having its own picture card, making 26 pairs of cards for teaching homophones.
Homophones are those tricky words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings (ex. bare – bear) — the kind of words that can make written communication difficult and frustrating or just quite funny, depending how the sentence goes.
The images in these cards are simple icons from The Noun Project. Because the pictures are in black and white, students may want to add matching colours onto the cards to help them memorize the pairs, especially if the vocabulary is new.
Download options for this set include:
- cards with images only,
- cards with words only,
- cards with images and spelling.
Any of these variations on their own can be used for game of Concentration (also called Memory or Pelmanism). Depending the age and size or your group, maybe don’t use all 52 cards at once 🙂
Divvying up the card pairs for students to make example sentence posters for the classroom wall might make an amusing writing activity. Ex. The bare tree has no leaves. The bare bear has no fur.

1 Page
A list of 26 homophone word pairs (52 vocabulary words total).
bare, bear, board, bored, brake, break, buy, bye, close, clothes, eye, I, fair, fare, flour, flower, hair, hare, hear, here, hole, whole, knight, night, mail, male, meat, meet, one, won, pair, pear, plain, plane, sail, sale, sea, see, son, sun, toe, tow, wait, weight, weak, week, wear, where, ring, wring, right, write

6 Pages

6 Pages

6 Pages

26 Pages

26 Pages

26 Pages

52 Pages

52 Pages

52 Pages
Homophones Word List
- bare
- bear
- board
- bored
- brake
- break
- buy
- bye
- close
- clothes
- eye
- fair
- fare
- flour
- flower
- hair
- hare
- hear
- here
- hole
- i
- knight
- male
- meat
- meet
- night
- one
- pair
- pear
- plain
- plane
- right
- ring
- sail
- sale
- sea
- see
- son
- sun
- toe
- tow
- wait
- weak
- wear
- week
- weight
- where
- whole
- won
- wring
- write
lilian –
Great work. Thank you for sharing!
Domi –
Fantastic! Thank you so much!
Raquel Girard –
Thank you so much for sharing these!
Santina –
Such a gift! So well done. Thank you.
Ann –
Superb. So helpful. Student loves them.
Ana MarÃa –
marvelous work! simply outstanding
Ashley –
Thank you so much!
macei –
Thank you for the free flashcards.. Big help super.
Ekaterina –
Thank you!
Kath –
I am very happy to have found this resource. I can’t wait to use these free flashcards with my students. Thank you.
Laribi. –
very useful and easy to remember for the students thanks to clear illustrations. thank you
marcos –
Thank you for sharing
sue –
fantastic! a great tool for teaching phonetics to my esl kids
Denise –
Very helpful for teaching even the youngest ones
Gustavo Salinas –
Very nice and helpful
Luciana Azevedo –
Kaniz-e-zehra –
katyayani –
nice cards please make more
Lucinda –
basant –
annie –
Nice i found it useful
Nicole –
very helpful! thank you!
Amany –
camille –
kameron –