More Vowel Sounds
Six sets of word cards to practice additional vowel sounds beyond the short and long A, E, I, O, U.
Teaching the 10 short and long vowels sounds isn’t quite enough. English has 19 vowel sounds, my friends. You also need diphthongs and OOs, and here they are!
These 100 printable phonics word cards will help your students practice 5 more vowel sounds beyond your basic A, E, I, O, U.

3 Pages
27 cards.
1- and 2-syllable words containing the /aw/ sound spelled AW, AU and AL.
AU, auto, Paul, fault, haunt, pause, sauce, August, laundry, AW, jaw, paw, saw, law, claw, flaw, yawn, awful, straw, crawl, AL, all, fall, small, talk, walk, chalk

2 Pages
18 cards.
1-syllable words containing the long oo sound spelled OO.
OO, too, boo, zoo, boot, food, hoop, hoot, loop, moon, noon, pool, roof, room, soon, toot, broom, spoon

2 Pages
17 cards.
1-syllable words containing the long OO sound spelled UE, U_E, and EW.
See also: Long U sound cards on the Long Vowel Sounds page.
UE, clue, blue, glue, Sue, true, U_E, June, rude, rule, flute, EW, brew, chew, flew, grew, stew

2 Pages
14 cards.
1-syllable words containing the short OO sound as in "book".
OO, book, cook, foot, good, hook, hood, look, took, wood, wool, brook, shook, stood

4 Pages
35 cards.
Mainly 1-syllable words containing the sound /ow/ spelled OW and OU. Includes blends and digraphs in words with 3 to 6 letters.
OU, out, our, loud, hour, sour, noun, cloud, count, found, house, mouse, mouth, proud, sound, blouse, crouch, OW, bow, cow, how, now, owl, vow, wow, brow, gown, brown, clown, crown, crowd, frown, browse, shower, powder

2 Pages
18 cards.
Mainly 1-syllable words containing the sound /oy/ spelled OY or OI.
OY, boy, joy, toy, soy, Roy, Troy, enjoy, annoy, OI, coin, join, boil, foil, soil, noisy, point, spoil
Linda Clark –
I love your cards. Thank you so much. These are great.
Karen –
That’s nice to hear 🙂
jyothi –
These cards are very helpful. Great work!
Thank you1
Karen –
You’re welcome!
Muma Bosco –
This is a wonderful publication for my grade 5 ESL. I love it’ll solve all my phonics problems for all grades.
Karen –
Wow, I hope so 🙂
Romeo –
The best gift I ever received for myself and my children. Thank you!!
djn –
great, thank you so much
candy –
Great thank you
Reem Saeed –
Thanks for your cards
Joy –
great, thank you so much
Marjulyn R. Rafallo –
Great cards..
Very helpful
Sandra –
Excellent card sets. Thank you
Tine –
Raquel Martinez –
Awesome!! I love this website for teaching.
khuncha –
I love your cards. Thank you so much. These are great.
Mar –
Laurie –
Like these cards and they are convenient to use.
Nicki –
Awesome! Thanks