Initial Consonant Blends
Download and print six sets of phonics word cards to practice reading initial consonant blends.
These phonics word cards will help you teach spelling, listening and pronunciation of blend families. You can use these cards with adult ESL students as well as young learners.
These are text-only cards, no pictures.
Almost all the words in these sets have short vowel sounds. I’ve tried to list one short a, short e, short i, short o, and short u word for each initial blend… Let’s just say that some blend families were easier than others.
Most words in the initial consonant blend sets follow the CCVC pattern (consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant). However, a small number of 5-letter words are included, too, which end with a final consonant blend making them CCVCC pattern words.
Unless your students have an uncanny ability to learn themeless lists of words related only by shared letter sounds, do not use these word sets primarily to teach vocabulary. Better, use them to help your students pronounce English sounds correctly and boost their confidence when speaking in class!
Phonics cards work well with quick listening and speaking activities and as warm up exercises.

1 Page

4 Pages
35 cards, including word cards and blend cards. L-blends included: bl-, cl-, gl-, fl-, pl-, sl-
BL-, black, blend, blink, blob, bluff, CL-, clap, click, clog, club, GL-, glad, Glen, glob, glove, glum, FL-, flag, fleck, flip, flock, flub, PL-, plan, plink, plop, plot, plum, SL-, slap, sled, slip, slot, slug

1 Page

5 Pages
44 cards. Includes word and blend cards. Blends: br-, cr-, dr-, fr-, gr-, pr-, tr-
BR-, brag, Brent, brick, broth, brush, CR-, crab, crest, crib, crow, crust, cry, DR-, drag, dress, drip, drop, drum, dry, FR-, Frank, Fred, frost, frog, fry, GR-, grab, Greg, grin, grow, grub, PR-, pram, press, print, prod, prune, TR-, trap, Trent, trip, trot, truck

1 Page

4 Pages
36 cards. Includes word and blend cards. Blends: sc-, sl-, sk-, sn-, sp-, st-
SC-, scab, scan, Scott, scum, scuff, SL-, slap, sled, slid, slop, slug, SK-, skid, skin, skip, skit, skunk, SN-, snag, snake, snip, snot, snug, SP-, Spain, spat, spin, spill, spend, ST-, stand, star, stem, stop, stump

1 Page

2 Pages
18 cards. Includes word and blend cards. Blends: sw- and tw-
SW-, sway, swam, swarm, swept, sweet, swim, swing, swirl, swish, swung, TW-, tweet, twice, twig, twin, twist, twitter

Word cards, Set 5 - QU and SQU
3 Pages
27 cards. Include word and blend cards. Blends: qu- and squ-
SQU, squad, squat, squash, squeak, squeeze, squid, squint, squirm, squish, QU, quack, quake, quail, quest, queen, quick, quiet, Quinn, quill, quilt, quip, quirk, quit, quite, quiz, quote

Word cards, Set 6 - 3-letter blends
4 Pages
35 cards. Includes word and blend cards. Blends include: scr-, spl-, spr- and str-
SCR-, scram, scrape, scratch, screen, scribble, script, scroll, scrub, scruffy, scrunch, SPL-, splash, splat, splint, splinter, split, SPR-, sprain, spray, sprig, spring, sprinkle, sprite, spruce, sprout, spritz, STR-, strap, stress, string, strong, stroll, strum, strut
Aleli –
Such a great help!
Thank you so much.
May God bless you richly
Karen –
You’re welcome 🙂
Mike Arruda –
This website has the best flash cards! Truly amazing work. Thank you for sharing.
Karen –
That’s nice to hear, thank you 🙂
Thank you very much.. This is a great help for my prep daughter during this pandemic.. God bless you always..
Karen –
You’re welcome! Keep safe!
Margie –
You are a lifesaver. Thanks so much!
Karen –
You’re welcome!!
Rajiarun –
very useful flash cards. Thank you so much
TeacherYaya –
I’m so grateful I’ve found this website, thank you so much!
Andrea Paras –
Thank you for sharing these! Such a great help!
Karen –
Glad the cards are useful to you 🙂
Sandra –
Thanks a million for these. I’m so happy I found the site. : )
Karen –
You’re very welcome 😀
Robert McDougall –
Wonderful. I am a Primary School Tutor and I have a number of children from Grade 1 to Grade 4 who have missed vital elements in their phonics and spelling learning. These cards are fabulous. Many thanks.
As a teacher for over forty years I gratefully use on-line materials in my 1:1 teaching/tutoring.
Karen –
I’m glad you like the cards!
araman –
will you please suggest me other books and material i use to teach my daughter phonics
Karen –
The Scholastic website has a nice page listing phonics books for students and for teachers:
Another good website is Reading Rockets, which has literacy guides and resources for teachers and parents:
Hope this is enough to get you started!
Fran –
Thank you so much. My granddaughter has trouble with sounds and math.bless you
Karen –
I hope she likes practicing with these cards 🙂
Cindy S. Ries –
Thank you for sharing these. I tutor older readers and these lists of words really helps cement the consonant blends.
Karen –
Thanks for the feedback. It’s great to hear they’re helping your students 🙂
Tonbara –
Thank you so much
Karen –
You’re welcome 🙂
Ferhana Ting Chong –
Thank you so much this is really going to help me help my son.
Karen –
Great! I hope they work for you 🙂
shokouhb –
Thanks for sharing these cards, my kids enjoyed learning and playing with them. They are really useful.
Karen –
That’s nice feedback, thank you! 🙂
Sospecial –
Thank you so much to make my load lighter 🙂
Karen –
You’re welcome!
Latresia –
Thank you! I’m going on a 6 week sick leave and I needed a homework packet for one of my clients and came across your amazing worksheets! Thanks so very much!
Karen –
I hope the cards are helpful. Get well soon!
Suzanne –
Love these! Thank you!
Karen –
You’re welcome. 🙂
Sariah –
These are awesome ! I’M thankful to have found them plus being free!
Rafia Omar –
These ar amazing and up to the mark 🙂 five stars
Elisabeth Eddy –
Great for my after school small group! These are perfect and just what I was looking for!
Ingrid –
Leena Ireland –
Divina Gracia Hamazaki –
Grateful for this teaching materials. Big help in my teaching.
Brenda J. –
I use these cards almost daily and they are great! They come in handy for small group intervention, too! Thank you!
Eve Zamora –
This is exactly what my students need!! Thank you!!!
M. Silva –
This is great !! Thanks for your help!!!
Heather –
Just what I need!
Brittani Chambers –
Cards are fantastic
louis –
great materkial
Bj –
Thank you!!!
Noor –
I appreciate your great efforts.
Orange –
great resource