Download and print phonics and sight word cards for teaching spelling, reading and pronunciation! Practice long and short vowel sounds, consonant digraphs and blends, as well as high-frequency sight words that don’t follow phonetic rules.
Showing all 15 results
Consonant Digraphs
11 sets of consonant digraphs word cards: ch, ck, kn, ph, sh, tch, voiced and voiceless th, wh, wr, and double letters.
Counting Syllables
Teach how to count syllables with this set of 36 animal flashcards.
CVC Words
Here are 4 sets of consonant-vowel-consonant pattern words with short vowel sounds. Sets have a small number of CCVC and CVCC words, too.
Dolch Nouns
Here is the standard set of 95 Dolch nouns. These words supplement the Dolch Sight Words list of 220 “service words”.
Dolch Sight Words
Download 220 Dolch Sight words, divided into five sets.
Final Consonant Blends
Five sets of phonics word cards to practice reading and spelling final consonant blends.
Final E Word Pairs
4 sets of word cards to demonstrate how Final E changes the vowel sound from short to long.
pearspairs of words which sound the same but have different spellings. -
Initial Consonant Blends
Download and print six sets of phonics word cards to practice reading initial consonant blends.
Long Vowel Rhyming Words
Five sets of rhyming cards, one for each long vowel sound, with 3 or 4 rhymes together on one card.
Long Vowel Sounds
8 sets of word cards to familiarize your students with different ways to spell words with long A, E, I, O and U sounds, including spelling patterns with final e and with vowel digraphs.
More Vowel Sounds
Six sets of word cards to practice additional vowel sounds beyond the short and long A, E, I, O, U.
Pronunciation: Final S
33 picture cards for teaching final-s sounds: /s/, /z/ or /iz/
R-Controlled Vowels
6 sets of cards representing 4 different vowel sounds: AIR, AR, ER, IR, OR, UR.
Short Vowel Word Families
5 sets of cards to practice reading words that share the same ending sound.