Showing 19–36 of 40 results
Health Flashcards
24 medical related objects and people.
pearspairs of words which sound the same but have different spellings. -
Household Objects
36 picture cards for teaching furniture and household items, printable in colour or black and white.
Injuries and Illnesses
15 vocabulary cards showing health ailments.
Irregular Plural Nouns
A set of cards for teaching the plural form of nouns that don’t just take “s”.
Job Titles in British English
9 occupation flashcards with British English terms.
Jobs Flashcards – Set A
18 easy-to-learn jobs and occupations.
Jobs Flashcards – Set B
18 intermediate jobs and occupation cards.
Jobs Flashcards – Set C
29 jobs flashcards with higher level vocabulary.
27 pictures of places in the city and in the country.
Prices under $100
18 picture cards of school supplies with prices beneath. Separate prices-only cards also available. Enjoy!
Prices under $1000
18 pictures of objects with prices between $100 to $999 for practising numbers in the hundreds.
Pronunciation: Final S
33 picture cards for teaching final-s sounds: /s/, /z/ or /iz/
Seasons and Weather
18 seasons and weather flashcards with adjectives and nouns.
Sports Equipment
27 bright pictures of a variety of sports gear.
Sports Flashcards
26 pictures for teaching the names of sports.
Sports Vocabulary
18 sports-themed nouns.
St Patrick’s Day Flashcards
9 cute pictures for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.